About us

Kids in gallery

Ainslie School provides education services for students from Preschool to Year 6 across three sites - the Primary campus in Braddon, Baker Gardens Preschool in Ainslie and Reid Preschool.

Founded in 1927, the facilities and grounds of Ainslie School hold heritage significance and its curriculum reflects the community’s enduring aspiration for a progressive, student centred experience.  Cultural integrity, human dignity and environmental sustainability are driving concepts in programs and practices across the school.

children playing

Values of kindness, responsibility, respect, community and excellence are acknowledged and celebrated by the Ainslie School community.  The principles of purposeful play, personalised learning and student agency are honoured as teachers cultivate knowledge, skills and dispositions that enable inquiry and citizenship.  Diversity is celebrated at Ainslie School and inclusive approaches maximise student engagement.

Kids with teacher

The Arts hold a prominent place at Ainslie School. Programs include opportunities for creating and interpreting music across the grades and senior students enhance musicianship and social capabilities as members of strings and brass ensembles.  Ainslie School’s Creative In Residence enables students to access the curriculum and showcase learning through visual and performing arts.  Students, staff and families enjoy resources and partnerships with neighbouring organisations including Arts centres, galleries, universities and Canberra’s cultural institutions.

In 1964 Ainslie School was the first in Australia to establish a relationship with a Japanese school and the Japanese language program has been offered since 1967. This program is supported by a language specialist and community connections.

Ainslie School benefits from research engagement and is shaping contemporary practice as an Affiliate School with the University of Canberra.  Staff are currently progressing innovation in wellbeing through intergenerational initiatives with local seniors groups and the Fuel for Thought school lunches program.

child getting food

Our Strategic Framework – the foundation that guides our decision-making

Our Strategic Framework – the foundation that guides our decision-making.pdf 

Our Strategic Framework

Our Leadership Team

Wendy Cave

Jim Gray
Deputy Principal

Carolyn Macleod
Executive Teacher

Justine Fuller
Executive Teacher

Lynne Sheville 
Executive Teacher

Stephanie Martin 
Executive Teacher

Stavroula Lourandos
Business Manager

Our Office Team

Leesa Frame
Enrolments and Administration

Eve Smith
Business Support Officer and Administration

Lianne Gyles
Concierge and Administration

Stephen James
Library Services

Paul Wilcott
Building Services Officer

John House
Building Services Officer